Creating a Template

  1. Click the New Email button to create a new message.
  2. Type the information for the template (e.g., all the standard information).
  3. Click File and choose Save as.  Specify the template File name and Save as file type Outlook Template (.oft).  Be sure to save it in the default location for Microsoft Templates.
  4. Close the message and do not save it when prompted.

Using a Template You've Created

  1. Choose New Items | More Items | Choose Form.
  2. In the Look In: box, select User Templates in File System
  3. Select the form you wish to use and click Open
  4. You can now type the needed information and click Send.

Creating a Shortcut to your Template

There are a couple of options for creating a shortcut to your Outlook templates.

Add a new item to your Quick Steps

  1. In the Quick Steps section of the ribbon, choose the Create New option.
  2. Type a name for the quick step.
  3. Choose an Action by clicking the down arrow – choose New Message in the Respond section.
  4. Type the TO address if needed
  5. Click the Show Options button.
  6. Type the subject, text, etc for the message (you can copy text from an existing template here)
  7. Click Finish to save the quick step.  It will now appear in the Quick Step section.  Click the quick step item name to use the template.

Add a shortcut on the Outlook Ribbon

  1. Click File | Options
  2. Select Customize Ribbon.  
  3. Click the New Group icon then choose Rename to name it (e.g., Templates), type the name and click OK.
  4. Choose All commands in the "Choose commands from" field.
  5. Select Choose Form and click Add.  
  6. Click OK to save changes.   This icon will open a Choose Forms window. Click the down arrow in the Look In field.   Select User Templates in File System and select your template.
  7. NOTE:  if you prefer using the Quick Access toolbar, you can also customize it using the steps for customizing the Outlook Ribbon